Sunday, September 24, 2006


Thai Coup D’etat in 2006

Thai Coup D’etat in 2006

I decided to write this statement because I want to give you information about coup d’etat , particularly 2006 Thai coup d’etat, in the world history without any bias (i.e., purely knowledge).

What is coup d’etat?

This is the definition of coup d’etat from wikipedia information: “A coup d'état (pronounced /ku de'ta/), or simply coup, is the sudden overthrow of a government through unconstitutional means by a part of the state establishment, that mostly replaces just the top power figures.”

I truly agree with the wikipedia definition and anyway want to re-write the definition again as my opinion for easy to understand.

In my personal definition, coup d’etat is the way that the coups come up to exercise the power using their weapons of destruction rather than using any kind of democratic method, while this action always did in the non-democratic world and also be condemned by many democratic countries.

Coup d’etat can be called in Ku-DeTa- in Japanese language but I truly believe that many Japanese people do not know the definition of this word well as from my real experience (i.e. even in Japanese language), because they don’t have a chance to face with the coup d’etat action before as Japan is one of the democratic countries and the second world's largest economies in 2006.

Why do I say that the coup d’etat is for the non-democratic world?

Please see the following information[1] and observe about the name of each country, so that you will clearly understand why I said that the coup d’etat is for both of the non-democratic world and non-civilization world.

Currently-serving leaders who came to power via coups

I am quite sure that many of you don’t know each 11 countries well, as I did before, so that I want to give randomly some brief explanations.

Mauritania (Arabic: موريتانية Mūrītāniyyah), officially the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, is a country in northwest Africa. According to many sources[3] , it can be called as one of the poorest countries in the world as well as a curse bringing corruption and violence to the country.

Central African Republic[4] (French: République Centrafricaine IPA: /ʀepyblik sɑ̃tʀafʀikɛn/ or Centrafrique /sɑ̃tʀafʀik/) is a landlocked country in central Africa. The Central African Republic is one of the poorest countries, if not the very poorest, in the world.

Pakistan, officially the Islamic Republic of Pakistan (Urdu: اسلامی جمہوریۂ پاکستان), is a country located in South Asia that overlaps with the Greater Middle East. The economic information[5] of this country is being a very poor country in 1947, and imprudent policies led to a slowdown markedly in the late 1990s.

Sudan (officially the Republic of the Sudan or Republic of Sudan) is the largest country by area in Africa, situated in Northern Africa. Sudan[6] has turned around a struggling economy with sound economic policies and infrastructure investments, but it still faces formidable economic problems as it must rise from a very low level of per capita output.

This is some examples of all 11 countries which is currently-serving leaders who came to power via coups. I personally believe that imprudent policies and non-democratic politics system lead to bring each 11 country as very poor countries compared to the others.

Currently, some minority Thai people are really proud themselves because their country name can be put in this above source in 2006. However, many civilization countries (i.e., surely the democratic countries and civilization world in year of 2006) don’t agree with the Thai coup d’etat and did the convictions in all aspects and all methods.

From my source information, they reported that Japan, United Kingdom, USA, European Union states (25 countries including United Kingdom), Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, South East Asia, and United Nation condemn unreservedly this 2006 Thai coup d'eta action officially and urged everyone to do likewise.

Almost democratic countries always did the sanctions in term of both of economics and politics for the country which does the coup d’etat. Surely, it is absolutely obvious that the economies of above democratic countries can be thought to be much bigger than the non-civilization and non-democratic countries as the information shows that the first and second world's largest economies[2] in this century are USA and Japan respectively. The following third, fourth and fifth world’s largest economies are from both European Union states and United Kingdom.

It means that it is very obvious that the 1-5 worlds’ largest economies condemn directly to Thailand and they intend to extremely sanction Thailand in all aspects because of the 2006 Thai coup d’etat and this will bring Thailand to be one of the world’s poorest countries very soon as Mauritania, Pakistan, Sudan, Central African Republic and many undemocratic countries.

However, I am not aware of why some Thai people who would like the coup to exercise their guns and weapons of mass destruction power without any rule of laws and constitutions, and also why they want to put their nation name in the above world history list (i.e., in the world record history of currently-serving leaders who came to power via coups).

If you were them, do you really want to proud about this action as a non-civilization and undemocratic method? Why do they don’t care about the sanctions from almost democratic countries which are the world’s biggest economies in this century? Why do they want to bring their country to be the same level as Libya, Equatorial Guinea, Lansana Conté, Blaise Compaoré, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, Tunisia, Sudan ,The Gambia, Pakistan, the Central African Republic, and Mauritania which were expected in all senses to be as non-civilization and non-democratic countries in this century?

On 20th September 2006 in Japan, Shinzo Abe won his party's support (LDP) to replace Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi and embarked on an agenda that includes rewriting the pacifist constitution as purely democratic way, while Thailand ended the democratic PM and replace him by military coup PM as a coup d’eta and using absolutely non-democratic technique to rewrite their constitution.

Why do Japanese people can allow the government to rewrite the constitution without using military method and undemocratic way? Why do Thai people can not rewrite the constitution with using democratic ways as civilization technique?

In conclusion, I personally believe and feel extremely confident that this coup d’tat will bring Thailand to end as street violence in 1992 in the future, because almost Thai people will not accept the rule of military again as the past, so that this country will be one of the poorest countries in the world.








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